
How to make your face more beautiful

The face is the part of our body that people look at the most, that draws the most attention and that often bothers us the most. Some people feel very good about the way they look and that’s fine. But everything that’s good can be improved, don’t you think?

And not everything requires the help of professionals or the use of procedures or even plastic surgery. You can improve your face a lot with just your own willpower and some specific care.

These are tiny things, but they make a huge difference!

The right haircut for you

Have you ever heard that hair is the frame of the face? If not, we’re telling you here. It can really enhance your face. It’s all the more important to have a specialist check which cut is best for you. This goes for chemicals and dyes. There are different skin tones (warm and cold), fine hair, thick hair, curly hair, straight hair, etc.

Hum! It’s expensive to hire a specialist. So at least try to identify your face shape. Whether it’s dry, oily or mixed. Search Pinterest and try to get closer to the ideal haircut for your face.

It’s important to realize that your haircut won’t be the same as the inspiration. That’s why we have to consider our age, lifestyle, hair type, etc. You have to balance your hair with your face, routine and lifestyle.

The hairdresser/barber must understand the client a little.

Men’s hair is something that needs to be touched up. That means a new cut every 15 or 20 days or at least maintenance of the sides, the famous ponytail.

Facial skin care

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. But facial skin deserves special care. And the biggest mistake is to leave your face to its own devices. Specific soap for the face.

The type of soap changes with age. That’s why it’s advisable to see a dermatologist even if you don’t have any illnesses. Using a specific soap and sunscreen is the minimum. Those who want to improve their appearance a little go further. Acids, vitamin C, anti-ageing and so on.

Knowing your skin type is fundamental to knowing what you buy at the pharmacy.

Improving the appearance of the skin improves the whole face. It looks different. Fewer open pores, fewer blemishes and no dryness. These are some of the benefits for those who know their skin and take care of it.

Clean eyebrows

Men don’t need to invest heavily in their eyebrows, such as micro pigmentation, henna etc. But you do have to at least clean them and you can do that yourself.

Place a ruler at the tip of your nose and move it up to your eyebrow. Any hairs that cross this line should be removed. And how do you know where the eyebrow ends? Do the same step with the ruler. However, the line should be marked at the end of the eye.

With regard to thickness. Men’s eyebrows are always thick, so they shouldn’t be thinned. Never remove the eyebrow too much. Just one or two hairs that don’t deserve to stand out and get rid of them.

A beard is the complement your face needs

Beards are just like hair:they have to suit your face, style, age and the places you go.
Even if you go to the barber, you should at least do regular contouring maintenance at home and on your own.

The beard is so important that some people use it to define their jaw (remembering that the more marked a man’s jaw is, the more attractive he is).

A beard can shape your face, but that’s not all. You have to take care of your hair, wash it and moisturize it. This will make you more handsome and attractive.

Our teeth are our postcard

Teeth are something that change a person a lot. Proper brushing, flossing, tongue cleaning and antiseptic are all necessary for a perfect smile. But you can’t live without a dentist, man. Periodic cleanings, correction of bite and teeth are necessary.

Almost everyone has had braces. And at least once a year you should visit the dentist to clean your teeth or check for cavities or tartar

Mouth, gums, tongue and teeth should always be clean and beautiful.

Realize that we don’t need to alter our faces with procedures, surgery or anything invasive. Just some basic care is enough to change the look of your face, improving it and making it more attractive. Can we make ourselves more beautiful with just basic care?

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