
How to become a more attractive man

First of all, we know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. FACT! And there’s also the question of subjectivity:ugly from whose point of view? What is ugly to me may be beautiful to you and vice versa.

It’s true that many men want to improve their looks and don’t know how or are looking for the person they love, without having much success. It’s that thing, nobody’s here to impose standards, but if you want to give your look an upgrade, we’ve got the recipe for the cake ready and we’re going to give it to you. Simple.

Take care of your body first.

Look, we know that there’s a taste for everything and that there are people who like chubby people, others who like skinny people, but the vast majority are looking for people with a fit body. That’s the reality, unfortunately there’s not much we can do about it.

That’s why the gym is the first step for anyone who wants to be more attractive and desirable. There’s not much to it, the beginning is there. Stick to your diet and training. Your body and your health will thank you!

To wear a beard is to be considered more manly.

The second step to being more attractive is to pay attention to your face by growing a beard or wearing a well-groomed beard. Studies show that men with beards are considered more virile and therefore more attractive.

What’s more, with the help of a good barber you can choose a beard that favors your face, enhances its proportions and makes you look more beautiful.

A good haircut is the perfect frame.

Batman and Robin go together. Beard and hair should talk to each other and be aligned. We must always remember that the hair is the frame of the face.

Look for a good professional who will show you the haircut of the year as well as the ideal haircut for your face shape. That’s the only way to give your look an extra boost.

Personal hygiene is everything. Groom them!

Something we shouldn’t even be talking about here, but, well, the Caveman is in the past. Caring about hygiene goes beyond showering. It’s using specific soap for your face, sunscreen and specific products for your hair type that will totally change your appearance.

Perfume is not left out of this.

A good perfume makes all the difference and can be the trademark you’ve been needing. Choose one to call your own and make yourself stand out wherever you go.

Your smile, your business card.

Pow, no one needs to tell you that a beautiful smile can win people over. Well-maintained teeth make all the difference. Every six months, a check-up at the dentist. Crooked teeth should be corrected.
Look for a smile that harmonizes with your face, really take care of your first postcard.

Clothes are code, my friend.

Clothes convey messages and depending on what you want to say, it’s the type of clothes you wear.
Being well-dressed means respecting your body type, paying attention to the fit of garments, looking at which colors work best for you, wearing clean, straight, ironed garments with the stitching ok. Simple things, but they make a difference.

You decide on the style. The important thing is not to relax when it comes to dressing.

Straighten your spine, please.

Posture is everything. It conveys more confidence to people, improves your image and removes the physical sign of insecurity. In addition, an upright posture will improve your self-esteem.

Keep your voice steady, whatever happens.

Even if you don’t know what you’re saying, keep your voice steady. This gives the listener a sense of security. In addition, deeper voices are considered more attractive by those who hear them.

Try to be interesting.

Have a personality, be yourself. But talk about a wide range of subjects. Don’t impose your opinion. Be kind and polite. Try not to slip up in your Portuguese, try to be empathetic. Learn to listen when you’re not talking.

Basic rules are fundamental:don’t be late, eat with your mouth closed, ask permission…. That’s it. Basic rules, right.

These 10 steps are our recipe for making you a more admired and consequently desirable guy. Desirable by other people and also by yourself. Nothing like loving yourself, is there?

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